在曾经参与过一次之前,公主玛格丽特最终在1958年再次找到了爱情。玛格丽特的丈夫公主是Antony Armstrong-Jones,一种摄影师,最重要的是,一个普通的。由于许多原因,他们的婚姻是历史性的,尽管他们的18年婚姻乱扔了不忠。从他们的秘密参与ld乐动官网to their eventual deaths, here is everything you need to know about Princess Margaret and husband Antony Armstrong-Jones' relationship.
- 公主玛格丽特星期三摄影师安提神经阿姆斯特朗 - 琼斯于1960年。
- 这对夫妇欢迎两个孩子在一起:Viscound David Linley和萨拉夫人。
- Both the princess and Antony participated in extra-marital affairs throughout their marriage, leading to their eventual离婚1978年。
- 当安东尼移民(然后离婚),夫妻队仍然贴近,直到玛格丽特公主于2002年。
Antony Armstrong-Jones was first introduced to the Royal Family when he was commissioned to take portraits ofQueen Elizabeth II,菲利普王子和他们的孩子在白金汉宫。次年,摄影师首先在公主夫人等候的晚宴上遇到了玛格丽特公主玛格丽特,伊丽莎白夫人夫人。
然而,直到1958年晚些时候,他们的浪漫不会被正式点燃,当时安东尼被雇用照片Princess Margaret. "I enjoyed his company very much, but I didn’t take a lot of notice of him because I thought he was queer," the young royal later admitted biographer Christopher Warwick. Their courtship was kept under wraps, however, and the princess would secretly visit him at his studio. "Yes, he would join her at parties, but no one could pinpoint which man she was interested in," said authorAnne de Courcy。新闻界专注于被视为符合条件的人。他们没有想到托尼经常在后台。“
虽然这对夫妇不会announce their engagementuntil months later, Antony reportedly proposed to the princess the same day she learned that her former fiancé, Captain Peter Townsend, was getting remarried. The royal eventually told parliament member Jonathan Aitken, "I received a letter from Peter in the morning and that evening I decided to marry Tony. I didn't really want to marry at all. Why did I? Because he asked me! Really, though, he was such a nice person in those days. In a way he introduced me to a new world."
玛格丽特和安东尼公主的参与作出公开,直到1960年2月27日。ld乐动官网由她未来的丈夫,玛格丽特的玛格丽特的设计花形接合戒指ld乐动官网featured a ruby surrounded by diamonds.
Their5月6日,1960年婚礼历史悠久的方式比一个人更多。婚姻在几个世纪以来,国王的女儿第一次标志着。其次,这是第一个电视婚礼 - 超过2000万人观看!在菲利普王子普利克王子的婆罗体兄弟姐夫举行的威斯蒙特修道院,作为她的父亲陪同到过道,埃德沃德·弗里王先生去了八年。在婚礼之后,安东尼被赋予斯诺登伯爵和玛格丽特公主成为斯诺登的伯爵。
May 28, 1960: One of Many Affairs
尽管这对新婚夫妇度蜜月的,伯爵乐动足球视频thered a secret daughter, Polly Fry. His relation to the child wasn't revealed until 2008, however, when a DNA test confirmed his paternity, following years of rumors.
1961年11月3日:Viscount David Linley出生
Yet, in 1961 the married couple welcomed their first child together, a son named Viscount David Linley, 2nd Earl of Snowdon.
In 1964, Princess Margaret and husband Antony welcomed their second child, a daughter named Lady Sarah Frances Elizabeth Armstrong-Jones (now Chatto).
就像他们的关系开始一样,他们的婚姻并非没有不忠。While Antony was the first to be unfaithful (his work as a photographer brought him on long trips abroad), Princess Margaret had affairs of her own. Her first extra-marital relationship occurred in 1966 with Antony Barton—a wine producer and Lady Sarah's godfather—while her husband was away in India. She also mingled with Robin Douglas-Home and others that were never confirmed.
1973年,玛格丽特公主踏上了她最重要的事情。17年她的年轻人,公主开始与园丁Roddy Llewellyn的关系在房子派对后。这种关系将继续持续八年。
While the princess was in a relationship with Llewellyn, she announced her separation from Antony on March 19, 1976.Buckingham Palace当时说,“HRH公主玛格丽特,斯诺登伯爵夫人和斯诺登伯爵相互同意居住。公主将开展她的公共职责和斯诺登勋爵无人陪伴的职责。没有离婚诉讼程序。“
In 1978, Princess Margaret and Antony's divorce was finalized.
December 15, 1978: A New Marriage For Snowdon
Princess Margaret and Antony attended their son Viscount Linley's婚礼to Serena Stanhope on October 8, 1993. Even after the divorce, the couple remained close.
The exes reunited yet again for their daughter Lady Sarah's wedding to Daniel Chatto. The royal wedding was held on July 14, 1994, in London.
February 9, 2002: Princess Margaret Passes Away
Princess Margaret passed away peacefully on February 9, 2002.
January 13, 2017: Antony Passes Away
Buckingham Palace confirmed that Princess Margaret's ex-husband Antony passed away on January 13, 2017, at the age of 86.