真相:人们喜欢早午餐几乎一样多,因为他们爱的婚礼。因此,它是有道理的,这只是时间的问题夫妻合并前两打造极致的婚礼庆典。也许你有一个教堂,只有执行上午的仪式,或者你和你的未婚夫(妻)只是没有传统招待会的喝酒跳舞部分大你的心脏集。不管你赞成的是原因brunch wedding,你承诺抛出上午外遇之前考虑这些9分。
1. Your Day Will StartReallyEarly
婚礼准备-日是不是在开玩笑:头发,化妆,最后的润色会需要几个小时,不管你打算什么时候走在过道。如果你有兴趣在早午餐的婚礼,考虑交谈的时间提前厂商得到定时的估计:多长时间你的美发师需要你的风格和不同的头发纹理你的伴娘?是否化妆师想每个人的头发开始前做了什么?是否有可能为场地(包括教会,如果在你的计划是)设立的一切,但鲜花和食物的前一天晚上?If not, how much time—and manpower—will it take to kick things off before noon? Depending on the details of your big day, you might be working with a tight schedule that starts before the sun is up.
2. Some Guests May Not Be Able to Attend
The morning hours pose a challenge for guests who tend to work weekends. "You know your guests," says Tracie Domino, founder and creative director ofTracie Domino Events在佛罗里达州。“如果你的客人都拥有自己的企业,并有工作星期六,它可能会挑战他们到那里。”解决在早午餐之前,请考虑您的人群婚礼,或者至少准备接收遗憾了一把。
Meet the Expert
Tracie Domino is the founder and creative director of Tracie Domino Events. Domino is based in Florida and has 16-plus years of experience in the industry.
3. You'll Have Less Time With Family and Friends
You might also swap out pre-wedding mimosas for coffee or caffeinated tea—after an early wake-up call and super-busy morning, you don't want to be yawning at the altar.
5. Your Décor Should Match the Brunch Wedding Vibe
对于我们这些谁已经把心理婚礼灵感董事会前不久Pinterest的存在(你知道你是谁),这可能是很难重新考虑对餐具的配色方案和花的选择和黄金装饰。但由于早午餐的婚礼一般比较随意,它要考虑的装饰细节方面可以反映重要的是:除了滚滚花卉中心焦点,在石匠罐子使用的野花;或者让你的餐饮服务商建立了food barinstead of a sit-down meal or traditional buffet. Casual décor options are different, but just as endless as formal ones.
6. You'll Save Money on Some Things...But Not Everything
A brunch wedding is a simple way to stick to your wedding budget while ensuring it's an event to remember. "If you have a traditional brunch menu and it's not elaborate, it should be substantially cost saving over a multi-course dinner," Domino says. You'll save even more by opting formimosas或在完全打开的酒吧和选择一个休闲的婚纱和简化的装饰血腥玛丽酒吧,以适应该事件的基调。“花,床单,和装饰,这取决于你选择什么样的,但没有人希望在上午10水晶吊灯,”多米诺说。尽管如此,一些事情的成本不会让步,比如你的婚礼策划师,摄影师,乐队或DJ。
7. This Will Impact the Food Choices, Perhaps More Than You Think
When you hear the words "brunch wedding" there are a few things that may come to mind (pancakes, waffles, and mimosas, anyone?). But you might not have thought about this: Brunch may be fun, but brunch food is serious business. And choosing a spread that's got something for everyone is no easier at brunch than it would be at dinner. Not to mention, it might be a good idea to rethink your cake preferences. While layers and layers of fondant and icing are beautiful and perfect for the evening, most people won't be interested in that at the end of brunch, especially if they've just had three servings of chicken and waffles.考虑一个打火机或早餐- - -小蛋糕y style—angel food, coffee cake, and crepe cakes come to mind, along with the ever-popular doughnut offering. If you're still somewhat traditional in this area, have the baker make a small, one-tierwedding caketo eat on your wedding anniversary.
For a Casual Affair, Simple Décor Can Still Be Elegant
At this wedding, guests could pick up a special edition of the newspaper—the kind you'd normally read over breakfast.
This couple put out a jar of Cheerios for their guests to throw as they left the venue—so cute.