如果你认为bridezillaswere scary, just wait until you meet their male counterpart: the groomzilla. He's super involved in the wedding planning process and wants everything done his way (and makes a scene when it's not). Plus, as far as he's concerned, it's他的大日子,不是你的。
“新郎被告知,提前做好,如果他想选择的仪式现场的海滩上,他需要通过一定的时间到达,否则我们将继续前进,选择准确的位置,并设置它。这groomzilla后抵达第一批客人,想搬到海边的另一部分,整个仪式。没关系的音乐是建立并连接了。没关系有些客人已经就位。而不去管他迟到了,晚了,晚了,这是他自己的过错。新娘已经赶到现场,正在以空调车在海滩举行。He screamed and yelled at me in front of the guests and my staff, using obscenities and threats. That got him nowhere at all. Did I mention he arrived to his wedding drunk as a skunk?" —婚礼策划
“我总是喜欢教我的客户之外认为,但这个特殊的新郎想新娘率先进入,等待他的祭坛,而他处理成超人主题完成一个红色的斗篷。她有过整件事崩溃,也不会去做。我告诉他,他需要回退的问题,只是让她有她的时刻。他们着手argueabout it for weeks. On the day of the wedding, he was 45 minutes late showing up and all the guests were seated before he walked in the door.他最终得到他的方式,她第一次去了过道。他进来时,一个红色的斗篷和超人歌曲播放。他轻轻打开斗篷后面,因为他打算沿着过道,并有后续聚光灯他。全场爆发出一阵大笑和欢呼。这对夫妻离婚以后六个月。” -婚礼策划
“虽然我在15年一过极少数困难的客户婚礼摄影师,有一个新郎谁在我的脑海里伸出。为了给你多少groomzilla他的一个想法,他训斥我,叫我没有穿燕尾服婚礼邋遢。它是黑色的搭配可选的,我穿了一件黑色的西装。他说我“提前离开”当我搜索了他和他的新娘时,我的时间到了(照片也是数字时间戳,显示我并没有提前离开)。他说,照片是“可怕的”正因为如此“以及其他一切。”他要我退还他们的一切,但我的时间$ 200,并给他们以40 8x10英寸一个皮革装订的相册,以及50个其他8x10英寸是他们会选择......但照片是可怕的,他们恨他们。当我告诉他这是不会发生的,他威胁要找到我,物理攻击我。” -一位摄影师
该Buzzkill Groomzilla
“幸运的是,我以前没有使用过任何groomzillas personally, but I did meet with a prospective bride and groom once and the groom had a list a mile-long of'Do Not Play' songsfor the band. The list pretty much included every song that people like to dance to at weddings and all other parties, for that matter. He didn't want to hear anything by Michael Jackson, Jimmy Buffet, The Beach Boys, Marvin Gaye, Jack Johnson, James Brown, Barry White, The Eagles, The Temptations, Earth Wind & Fire and the list goes on and on.至于具体的歌曲去,他禁止所有的以下(加,如20以上):
"Brown Eyed Girl" by Van Morrison
"Brick House" by The Commodores
"What I like About You" by The Romantics
"I Will Survive" by Gloria Gaynor
“阿拉巴马甜蜜的家”由LYNYRD Skynard
"Don't Stop The Music" by Rihanna
"Crazy In Love" by Beyonc&
"Sweet Caroline" by Neil Diamond
"Respect" by Aretha Franklin
"Build Me Up Buttercup" by The Foundations
"Shout" by The Isley Brothers
I wonder if he ever found a band at all!" —婚礼策划