
Justin Timberlake刚刚透露他向Jessica Biel提出的晕倒方式


Kevin Mazur / Wireimage / Getty Images

这是一个很大的一周Justin Timberlake.。歌手-Songwriter最近发布了他的最新专辑,森林的人,并撤下了表现的触地得分超级碗刘星期天明尼苏达州。但流行明星给予信贷到期:Timberlake最近透露,他的最新专辑背后的灵感是他的妻子,杰西卡毕尔。最重要的是,五年以来他们的2012年婚礼,这颗恒星终于分享了他向妻子提出的方式。

在对亚马逊音乐的采访中,Timberlake确认他突然出现问题BIEL IN.蒙大拿,这也是如此恰好是他单打的标题。


Timberlake进一步揭示了他提出的亲密时刻的一些细节,说:“没有进入太多个人故事,它开始真正走在一起,只是谈论在山上。当我建议时,我对她说话, I was like, ‘Oh look at the shadows on the mountains,’ and I had the ring on my pinkie—I guess I will just tell the story." Yes please!

The singer continued, "I had the ring on my pinkie and I was like, ‘Look at the shadows over there on the mountains,’ and she was like, ‘Oh yeah, that’s beautiful,’ and I was like, ‘Do you see it?’ So it was something that inspired the lyrics for the bridge.”

In the bride of "Montana," Timberlake sings, "Now I know it’s late o’clock / And we’ve been kissin’ for hours / When the moon wakes up the sun / And our shadows cast up on the mountains / It gives the stars somethin’ to watch.”


查看更多:Justin Timberlake和Jessica Biel正在掌握最热门的夫妇,在金球

JT的妻子Jessica Biel甚至在歌手的音乐视频中为名词赛道出现了“森林里的男人”,其中两人在一个小屋(当然在树林里)。看到浪漫的场景在这里:
