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the woman who called off her wedding after her guests refused to pay her $1,500 attendance feeto通过电子邮件发射伴娘的新娘, there's been plenty ofcringe-worthy wedding storiesto gawk at this year. But this story of a bride who set a $1,000 wedding dress code based on her guests' weight may just be the worst yet.

In arecent Reddit post,一个用户为她的重要日子共享新娘需求列表的屏幕截图。该帖子无辜地开始,新娘(其名称已被删除)问候客人并讨论她即将到来Hawaiian wedding. After announcing that she has picked out a dress code, she begins listing her outrageous wedding-day requirements for her guests.

“I am giving you a long notice of a year and a half so that you will have time to find and pick out something nice," she writes. “The dress code is very specific because it will be used to create an incredible visual effect. If done right, it will make our synchronized dancing along the [redacted] beach really pop.”

In case you're still giving her the benefit of the doubt (hey, most weddings havedress code requirements, right?), the next few sections should quickly change your mind. The bride proceeds to categorize the dress code by guests'重量, and requesting a color scheme so bizarre we're getting a headache trying to imagine it. The following is the exact dress code, as the bride writes in her post:


-GREEN Velvet Sweater

-ORANGE Suede Pants

-Loubotin [SiC]高跟鞋(着名的红松鞋。当我们旋转并抬起脚时,效果会惊讶于你)

-Burberry Scarf

MEN (100-200 LBS)

-PURPLE Fuzzy Jacket


-All White Trainers

-Plain Glow Sticks

WOMEN (160 LBS+)

-all BLACK sweater and pants. Any material.

-BLACK heels


-all CAMOFLAGE [sic]




There are so many nauseating aspects of the preceding paragraphs, we truly don't know where to begin. What "visual effect" is she going for, exactly? What in the world is a soda hat? What non-military individual owns a head-to-toe camo outfit?

If you're still with us after all of that, there's one final kicker that will really put you over the edge. The bride added a final paragraph, finishing off her note with one last requirement: Everyone's outfit needs to be valued at $1,000 or more. "Additionally, we will require that you wear formal attire after the dancing has ended. Please bring a change of clothing. Remember, the venue is extremely upscale, and we want to be looking our absolute BEST ladies and gents," she writes. "Please, if you look like trash, so will we.除了一边的笑话,我们希望您投资于至少1,000美元价值的装备。这包括珠宝,配件,化妆和头发。记住女士和绅士,这婚礼是有原因的。“我们不确定”极度高档“的一部分涉及迷彩,并将您的婚礼客人分类为重量 - 但嘿,我们没有邀请这个”24k“婚礼,所以我们猜我们永远不会知道。

当然,当他们看到她的狂野要求时,互联网丢失了它,她的故事很快就变成了viral- 新娘不舒服。姓名已从帖子中删除的女性发出了一个another为追踪负责在社交媒体上公开的人追踪负责人的人,努力追踪对负责人的荒谬规则。

查看更多:The Most Cringeworthy Brides of 2018

“It has come to my attention that someone went all the way down in this group’s creation to screenshot the dress code requirements,” she wrote in a follow-upFacebook post. “I could not be more crushed, betrayed, or saddened... I trust each and every one of you so intimately. Knowing someone went behind my back and made fun of me is one of the worst feelings.”

然后,新娘分享,她将举办一个“复图派对”,找出谁泄露了苏舍尔的原始帖子,其中包括晚餐,饮料,以及她在亚马逊购买的99美元的测谎仪测试。小心会是正式不协调to the wedding, and the bride will "cut all ties and communication" with them. But fear not: If you're a disgruntled guest who is dissatisfied with the synchronization, the bride offers plenty of other opportunities to为她的重要日子做出贡献.

新娘补充道,“而不是参与dance, you can help the crew clean up after dinner, volunteer to take videos of our dance, or even contribute to the honeymoon. Anything counts.”

So in case you were still feeling generous enough to attend this wedding, you can take solace in the fact that you might get ratted out as a snitch要么get placed on wedding day KP duty. Sounds like a blast!
