



虽然你不知道去购买一件婚纱,直到你选择一个地点,很难等待!如果有的话尖叫“婚礼”不止一件衣服,我们不知道它是什么。规划一个购物之旅,但是,可以来与它自己的障碍 - 而这之前,你甚至已经在你的第一个礼服滑落。一个主要的问题:你需要带上你的未来岳母婚纱店为您的随行人员的一部分?下面是我们的专家,驾驭这一棘手的局面一点点建议。

Deciding who to take dress shopping with you is all about assembling a team (or picking a single person, if that’s more your style) that will be supportive, encouraging, maybe a little creative, and above all respectful of what you decide you really love. From family members to friends, narrowing it down can be tough, but know that having the right group of people by your side will make the experience that much more enjoyable.

话虽这么说,邀请你的未来岳母的加入也引发了一些政治混进去。Of course, it would be fantastic if she fit the above criteria to a T. If she gets your style, will constructively ease you out of your comfort zone, and won’t put her wants and needs before yours (and if you get along, of course), then by all means invite her! But if you’re worried about whether she’ll impose her ideas a little too strongly or overstep her boundaries when it comes to this mother-daughter moment, you may want to opt to keep the group a little smaller and either invite her to your fittings or surprise her on your wedding day.

