The seven blessings, or Sheva Brachot as they are called in Hebrew, are the heart of the Jewish wedding ceremony. Seven different blessings are bestowed upon the couple when they are standingunder the chuppah. They may be given by the officiant, the rabbi or the cantor, or friends and family members. Many couples recite English translations or alternative blessings in addition to the Hebrew text.
What Are the Seven Blessings?
The seven blessings are repeated again at the wedding reception and then once a day for the next seven nights. Loved ones host meals or gatherings in the couple's honor, also called the Sheva Brachot, where the blessings are recited again. This is a way for the community to continue to celebrate with the newlyweds and sanctify their marriage.
The tradition of celebrating a marriage for seven days dates back to biblical times. In fact, scholars discussed the idea in the Talmud, a book of Jewish law written in the second century C.E. The blessings recited over the couple also come from ancient rabbinic teachings and express joy and hope for the new union.
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卡伦肉桂的创始人和主编Smashing The Glass, the world’s largest Jewish wedding platform.
While religious couples tend to have Sheva Brachot meals for seven days after their weddings, more modern couples skip it for their honeymoon. “However, with smaller weddings on the horizon for the foreseeable future in light of the pandemic, we’re predicting a revival of the custom as a way to include friends and family unable to make it to the main event,” said Cinnamon.
Seven Blessings (Sheva Brachot) FAQs
The Sheva Brachot are first recited under the chuppah (the wedding canopy). At more traditional weddings they are recited again after the meal at the reception.
Where are the seven blessings recited?
Do I need to prepare for the seven blessings at the wedding?
Can I write my own seven blessings?
Who plans a Sheva Brachot meal?
基本上节日dinn舍瓦Brachot餐er parties. “Anyone who wants to help celebrate the couple can plan one, though they’ll need to coordinate with them,” said Cinnamon. “Anyone interested in holding a Sheva Brachot should try to be in touch with the couple early on once they’ve set their wedding date, so they can claim a night, as well as coordinate the guest list.”
How many people attend a Sheva Brachot meal?
“The meal can consist of just about anything, as long as it includes bread,” said Cinnamon. “Ideally it should be something special that the couple will enjoy. Hosts can opt to hold the meal in their home or at a restaurant or synagogue.”
Do I have to have all seven Sheva Brachot meals?
“Sheva Brachot meals are not required by Jewish law, and it’s perfectly acceptable to opt for one or two rather than the full seven,” said Cinnamon.