在你享受的时候瓶子泡泡和显示了新的订婚戒指ld乐动官网对于所有的朋友和家人来说,是时候认真计划婚礼并制定需要在此过程中提前进行分类的重要决定。但你想要花时间的事情之一就是与父母有少数的对话。即使金钱或访客列表的话题 - 在思考与父母的思考时,让你的抖动很紧张,它应该是你的待办事项清单的顶峰,所以你可以把它脱离尽可能。想知道与父母有什么对话吗?这里有六个主题在获得订婚后潜入他们。
决定谁将在最终的情况下削减婚礼客人名单可能需要一些时间。这就是为什么与早期与父母的对话可以让他们了解他们将能够邀请多少人邀请,以便您可以坚持一个现实的头部。Whether the conversation is around a number of people they can invite or who should be invited, and who should be left off the list (whether it’s because you don’t feel close to that particular member of your family or because they tend to get rowdy at family events), so that you can get your parents thinking about finalizing that list early on.
As you start to pick and chose your wedding vendors and make wedding decisions, whether it’s around where to get married or what kind of decorations to have at your reception, ask your parents if there are any long-standing family traditions that should be included in your big day. Perhaps there’s a poem that has been read at members of the family’s weddings over the years or a certain dish that’s been served. Get your parents to fill you in on any and all traditions so that you and your fiancé can decide which ones mean the most to incorporate at your wedding.
金钱的话题可能是尴尬的,特别是如果它与父母在一起。但知道你必须在婚礼上花多少钱,现金是否直接来自您的口袋或您的口袋,他们将帮助您在开始支出和招聘供应商之前了解您的婚礼预算。如果他们可以或想贡献你的婚礼计划基金,请询问你的父母。乐动体育软件If you want to ask for a certain amount of money, explain what you’ll use it for, and show them an early draft of a budget so that they can get an understanding of what the money will be used for, before just handing it over for you to spend.