




    如果你是成千上万的夫妇谁必须做出困难和情感的一个decision to cancel or postpone your wedding由于冠状病毒大流行,你可以理解的失望。这种情况很难预测已经抛出了整个婚庆行业的一个循环,并停止在这个过程中如此多的重大计划。Not only is the wedding date you chose, as well as the season in which to marry, no longer possible, but you may not be able to have the large-scale event full of all of the friends and family you’d always dreamed of having.

    The good news: You can still have a beautiful wedding in the near future—it just might have to be virtual for the time being until it’s safe to have a larger party with friends and family at a later date. The trend is catching on—and fast. In fact, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo evenannounced on Twitter他在国家颁布的行政命令,允许夫妻通过视频会议可以合法结婚。这一宣布引起一种如释重负的叹息巨大的许多夫妇计划在2020年结婚,以及他们的团队厂商。(科罗拉多州和加利福尼亚州拥有以来取得类似的公告,你可以跟上最新这里。)

    “本公告给出了很多心灵的和平夫妇要知道,即使他们最终不得不推迟他们的婚礼,他们没有推迟他们的合法婚姻”的莉娅温伯格说:颜色爆裂事件in Long Island City, New York. Gabby Bernstein, meditation expert and New York Times best-selling author of宇宙有你的背已经导致一对夫妇在放大了婚礼,并说这是她的事业作为主祭最光荣的时刻之一。“虽然这不是一个合法的仪式,因为这对夫妻是在墨西哥,这是他们的生活,他们分享了他们的誓言,并专注于他们的爱情和承诺对方强大的时刻,”她说。

    A virtual wedding, even if it’s a temporary placeholder for the real thing, is a wonderful alternative to postponing or canceling. It can be especially beneficial for couples who have older family members who want to ensure witness their marriage in some shape or form. “Let’s be honest, many people are on edge right now, for various, and understandable reasons, so giving your friends and family a celebratory experience, even if it’s virtual, can be appreciated and apropos,” says Artem Lomaz, award-winning DJ and Principal Event Host at九三年娱乐在纽约市。

    Ready to have the virtual wedding of your dreams? Here’s a step-by-step guide to nailing every aspect of your Zoom vows like a pro.


    Even before the pandemic, marriage laws varied greatly across the country, and this rings true even more so now. For this reason, it’s important for couples to get in touch with their county’s clerk’s office to ensure they’re handling the obtaining of their license properly. “We realize that there is a lot of grey area when it comes to the concept of virtual ceremonies, so, more than anything, we just want couples to be informed, and to be cautious,” says Natasha Anakotta, outreach and operations manager, with the American Marriage Ministries.一旦合法性的平方了,最有趣的部分就可以开始。

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    virtual wedding




    幸运的是,白读好相机,所以即使你还没有你wedding dress,你可以选择一条紧身华丽衬裙或神话般的羽毛睡衣,建议和名人造型师新娘米卡埃拉厄兰格。“如果你有你的礼服,并想穿上它,那也有用,但你也可以考虑将其保存到穿的时候你推迟,”她说。至于你的客人,她建议鼓励他们穿鲜艳的颜色,象征着庆祝和增加亮度和幸福的追加突发。当你在它,建议他们对照片或条纹,这可以在屏幕上分心。

    virtual wedding


    Your go-to stylist won’t be able to provide in-person services for hair and makeup, but that shouldn’t stop you from dolling yourself up for your big day. Most vendors are offering虚拟发型和化妆试验where they can go over different styles and looks with you and teach you how to create them yourself. Sephora beauty director, Jeffrey English, suggests keeping things simple. “I always recommend starting with your ‘everyday face,’ and then adding a new detail or two that you really love,” he says.“在虚拟婚礼的情况下,你可能会考虑更轻,更妆编辑方法,以免出现得过头了在屏幕上。”它总是以测试你的化妆在照明,你会在被拍摄怎么看光泽或“热”的出现皮肤是个好主意。他建议有手头控油粉末,像NARS光反射压制设置粉,它可以有两种色调:“半透明”公平中等肤色和“太阳石”为中深层深肤色。接下来,他建议使用荧光笔和脸红放大你的肤色和泪水的情况下,优质防水睫毛膏(他爱Monsieur Big Waterproof Mascara)。

    对你的头发,这都是关于grea开始t regimen—cleansing, conditioning, and using products to create volume and texture. To create loose curls and volume at the roots,黛安·史蒂文斯,a理安善top artist and D.C. salon owner, recommends doing this the day before to give the hair enough grit and hold for the big day. “Before styling, make sure your hair is completely dry so that it won’t fall flat,” she says. “If you’re curling your hair, clip the hot curl and let it cool before hairspray six inches away.” For best results, practice a few times before the wedding day so you feel confident enough to achieve the style on your own.


    If you had already been in touch with a florist for your big day, consider reaching out to see how flexible they can be to make your vision come to life, bearing in mind that every state will be different in terms of what can be allowed. “They may be able to arrange a contact-less pick up of arrangements or set up a Zoom tutorial with you to help you create your own bouquet,” says Oleta Collins, florist and owner of蓬勃发展的艺术设计工作室贝克斯菲尔德,加利福尼亚州。

    If you have access to a garden, perhaps your own or that of a family member, consider creating your own新娘花束通过用丝带边界几绽放在一起。如果你走这条路线,柯林斯建议从花园的前一天割花,剥离所有的叶子到顶部两到三个叶,将它们放置在温水中,并结合和次日把它们绑。“保持花水,直到照片开始和控股,以确保水在礼服上没有得到之前拍下来,用毛巾花束,”她补充道。对于胸花,她建议采取小花蕾和将其固定到夹克或衬衫。“它没有被包裹或成品的花店完美,它的这种‘钮孔’指出,他们是特殊的人要结婚的简单符号,”她说。



    像Lomaz很多MC都愿意并能够参与虚拟婚礼,可以把它当作一个典型的婚礼当天进行一些调整。他建议建立一个娱乐的时间表或“运行秀”领先的情况下,你可以用你的客人分享。“一旦在大家的迹象,你可以花一些时间来简单胶着之中客人,甚至保持相机关闭婚宴,父母和你的,直到它是适当的时候透露,”他说。“背景ldsports乐动 可以发挥作为每个屏幕显示本身:你的婚礼,你的父母,这对新婚夫妇“!他建议有您的MC启用一个单独的聊天功能,让他们可以帮助指导这个过程中,让你的客人同样的经历,好像他们是在电视上观看了婚礼。想想娱乐的其他形式添加到婚礼,如幻灯片,虚拟背景,个性化的元素,等等。“当它的时候跳舞,让你DJ或乐队发挥每个人都可以加入无形中,”他补充道。


    It’s important to make sure that the infrastructure is set up on whatever platform you are using and ensure that the link is sent to key parties, including the officiant, any loved ones participating in the ceremony, as well as a witness (which is legally required in some states and with some licenses, but not all). “You and your officiant should work together to ensure that the content and timing works for you both so that you aren’t surprised during your own wedding,” says Bethel Nathan, ordained officiant and owner of由伯特利仪式在Bonsall,加利福尼亚州。因为它是一个虚拟的仪式上,她建议选择了更短的时间表,因为客人很可能具有更短的注意力,他们会比在人。她还建议争取一两个朋友的帮助下,作为协办承担静音和取消静音的客人所指示的主祭责任。“这是很容易为比主祭或夫妻以外的人,使他们能够专注于自己特定的角色,”她说。见事件的样品流,以下。

    1. 这对夫妻,主祭,见证,到开始时间前10分钟均其他关键球员的标志。所有其他客人都留在了候车室,直到仪式开始。
    2. 承认客人的开始时间,并让他们取消静音,使他们能够互相问候。“这一时期看作当嘉宾在仪式现场到达,并希望迎接并拥抱那些他们所关心的,也许还没有在一段时间看到的,”内森说:
    3. 一旦它似乎是最重要的客人是在电话会议上,主祭可以让大家知道,他们现在将静音,只有主祭,并允许夫妇被听到。
    4. 主祭进行的规划和批准的仪式。“如果夫妻俩本想和主祭是舒适的做,有可能在仪式上的一个点,你告诉客人,他们会简单地取消静音,使他们能够在参与社区的祝福或兑现,对所有磬在他们的支持时问,”内森说。她建议,主祭给予单挑时,他们即将所有客人发音夫妇已婚和取消静音大家这么欢呼声可以听到夫妻俩的股份初吻。


    如果您的国家允许和你摄影师很舒服,他们仍然可以从安全距离拍摄你的仪式,甚至还有几个人像。“在这样的情况下,你的图像会大声说话和保持更多的意义,所以捕捉真实的情感和真实性比以往任何时候都更加重要,”林赛妮可,老板说:林赛妮可摄影在马萨诸塞州波士顿。如果你的摄影师是不是能捕捉到你的虚拟婚礼,她建议去三脚架路线和使用定时器你们两个的捕捉人像。“Vertical imagery in a clean, neutral space with great lighting is the most flattering for portraits,” she says. In lieu of videography, you can simply record the virtual wedding in its entirety through Zoom.

    virtual wedding


    即使你没有烘烤的诀窍,你可以让自己的婚礼蛋糕,并在一个美丽的一个。希瑟安妮·莱维特,老板甜希瑟安妮面包店in Ann Arbor, Michigan, recommends finding an online recipe for a simple naked cake and decorating it with fresh fruit, flowers, or chocolate shavings. “It’s really the thought that counts and if you find a good recipe the cake will be delicious even if it’s not a work of art,” she says. If following an online recipe sounds like too much work, you could also go the cake mix and premade frosting route or find a baker in your area who is willing and able to make a small cake for the purpose of your ceremony.她的面包店,为路边捡拾到我们所有的夫妇谁不得不推迟他们的婚礼免费3英寸的蛋糕。“即使夫妇都没有一个虚拟的婚礼,我们认为这是很好的他们能够在他们的原始日期小的方式来庆祝,”她说。“我接触到你的蛋糕师傅,看你的选择是什么。”
