In This Article
Unless you’rehosting a dry wedding,可以安全地说,酒吧设置可能是该活动最重要的中心件之一。物流通常由供应商处理(当然,其中有其优势) - 但如果您希望通过DIY简化条形图或减少劳动力成本的情况,那么怎么样?答案:一个自助服务栏,需要更多规划,但最终更容易预算和safer for your guests when done properly.
A self-service bar allows you to stock your own drinks freely and encourage your guests to help themselves. It is an ideal choice for small weddings held in private spaces.
Self-Service Bars and Public Venues: The Fine Print
If you’re working with a public venue, be sure to look into your venue’s rules and regulations and state liquor laws before going with a self-service bar. “The easiest way to determine if you can have a self-service bar is to ask the venue where the event or wedding is being held,” saysAndrew Roby, an award-winning wedding and event planner in the Washington, D.C. area. “All venues are held to Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) laws and will know for sure if this is possible, [though] in some cases, you may want to speak with your catering company.”
If youare与公共场地合作并获得与自助服务栏继续向前迈进的许可,Roby有一项建议:您需要获得特殊的一天ABC宴会许可证,授权您提供酒精。必须在活动开始前至少30天在您所在的州确保,并且在活动期间必须拥有副本。
If you do end up needing to staff your bar, you can still work out a creative solution as a happy medium: If none of your vendor or venue agreements prevent it, try thinking outside the box and curate the kind of experience that you love when you go to a great bar. For example, you could recruit a bartender or two from your favorite cocktail spot to assist with planning and onsite execution—this is an excellent option as not only will your drinks be great, but you’ll be putting cash in hospitality workers’ pockets, which is more important than ever given the effects of the pandemic on the industry.
“随着较小的后院婚礼成为新的常态,看到夫妻不想在可能的情况下向他们的活动引入额外的供应商是非常可行的,因此如果它安全地完成,则是一个自我服务的酒吧是一个很好的主意,”所有者吉娜···克兰的The Nomad’s Direction是一家全球旅游的婚礼,蜜月和总体规划服务,位于纽约市。乐动足球视频威尔兰,谁是前调酒师自己,熟悉在将概念纳入自己的婚礼之后穿上自助婚礼酒吧。Cost-effectiveness, she says, is one reason to go this route, though it does come with a warning: “In [my] personal experience, buying just soda, wine, and beer for my own wedding cost almost $1000—it's still cheaper than hiring a bartending service, but the costs add up quickly.”
Of course, hiring a team to take care of the bar from setup to breakdown means you won’t have to lift a finger or worry about taking on more planning, but it’ll put a considerable dent in your budget. Then again, Jurlando points out that bartenders are trained to pour the proper amounts of alcohol in every drink, so you’ll want to find a workaround when guests are invited to serve themselves—individually packaged servings, like bottled cocktails or canned wines, can at least help to ensure proportions, though they won’t necessarily stop anyone from having too many.
Other benefits of single servings include the minimization of alcohol waste as well as eliminating the touching of shared surfaces that comes with having guests mix their own drinks from larger bottles or containers.
How to Set Up a Self-Service Bar
你的预算确定后,开始思考ing about the essentials, like ice, glassware, drink selection, your bar’s surface, where it will live, and who should keep an eye on it to make sure nothing runs out (and nobody gets over-served). The latter is key, not only to ensure a smooth operation for your guests but also to mitigate any potential disasters that can come with allowing guests to freely pour their own drinks (pro tip: don’t put everything out at once). Be sure to also take the time to meticulously plan your bar’s overall safety, which can be done in a number of ways.
Covid-ERA中的任何酒吧,无论是有用的,是否应该用湿巾和手动清理仪为客人提供良好的。为了避免过度拥挤,Roby提供了一个提示:“如果您决定没有调酒师,我建议您增加您拥有的酒吧数量。通过[设置]至少两个栏比通常拥有的栏,[您]为客人选择,以便他们不必排队喝酒。理想情况下,每75位客人需要一个调酒师,[这将为每75位客人翻译为一个酒吧加至少有两个。“这可以像为葡萄酒,啤酒,鸡尾酒一样创造单独的车站一样简单non-alcoholic options.
布鲁克谢尔顿Lilybrooke Events是一家专注于纽约市,华盛顿州,D.C.和新英格兰的婚礼的精品规划公司注释了最后一次安全建议,这将是您的客人的一个深思熟虑的姿态。“如果你能提供运输,我总是强烈推荐它 - 特别是当客人从城外旅行[和]累了,”她说。最重要的是,活动的消费和该地区可能的不熟悉只添加到额外措施的理由列表中,以确保每个人都安全地回到他们的前门。
Self-Service Bar Drink Ideas
Here comes the best part: designing your drink options. There’s so much to choose from out there, and as we mentioned, individual servings are the way to go amidst the pandemic (you can even forgo the glassware altogether in most cases). Here are some of our go-to's:
- Canned wines: Ramona, WineSociety, Bev, West + Wilder
- 罐头啤酒:科纳泡菜,冠和啤酒花,Pfreim,布鲁克林啤酒厂
- 罐装鸡尾酒:社交时段,慢且低,三块糖的鸡尾酒小袋
- 瓶装葡萄酒:常规,MiONETTO,Campo Viejo,Vinebox,Pommery Pop
- 瓶装啤酒:Pilsner Urquell,Modelo,Lagunitas,伊萨卡啤酒有限公司
- Bottled cocktails: try working with a local bar to have these prepped
- Non-alcoholic options: Avec, Ugly Drinks, United Sodas of America, Q Mixers, Hella Cocktail Co. Bitters & Soda, Kin Euphorics