business purposes.

6的好处s You Can Expect from Online Couples Therapy

According to marriage and family therapists.



If you and your partner have been considering婚姻治疗,你在好公司。几乎所有的夫妻可以忍受从中受益,根据Mercedes Coffman,行货的婚姻和家庭治疗师在加州伯班克。“情侣疗法可以帮助夫妇了解他们的关系模式,功能失调性应对机制,沟通问题,和性格上的差异,”她告诉新娘。“不像大多数人认为,这不仅是为那些谁是与他们的关系问题挣扎。”但是,如果你在你们的关系经历一个困难的时候,她说,这可能是特别有用。




You have the home advantage.

Every therapist knows how helpful it can be for a client’s treatment when they perform a home visit, which takes place in the client’s home rather than the therapist’s office. “It gives us an opportunity to really get a deeper glimpse of what things are like in the household,” says Jacob Kountz, associate marriage and family therapist in Bakersfield, California. With teletherapy, you’re already home. “In their home environment, couples tend to show more transparency to their therapist.” This, he explains, is what therapists call a transfer of learning—applying what you’ve learned in your therapy sessions to yourreal life随着网上婚姻治疗,这个过程是快速跟踪,因为客户是已经存在于他们将在那里做他们最实践的地方。

It gives you exposure to therapy without feeling exposed.

也许行走的思想成为治疗师的办公室让你不舒服。没关系!在线夫妇的治疗消除了这个障碍,同时还为您提供有用的策略,以提高你的关系。“我觉得它是如此有益的情侣,看看有什么治疗背后的奥秘,” Kountz说。“通过屏幕暴露有关夫妻疗法是一个伟大的介绍治疗过程。”


你们中的一个会在婚姻治疗学到的最有用的工具是如何认识你的伴侣更好,如何让你的合作伙伴,以更好地了解你。要做到这一点,最好的办法是通过口头communication, notes Kountz. “A lot of conflict is started when one party says, ‘You are so hurtful and mean!’ which makes the other party put up their defenses for protection,” he says. “A helpful remedy I often recommend is to practice replacing ‘you’ statements with ‘I’ statements, or telling the person how you are feeling instead of telling them how they are acting.”

You form a stronger emotional bond.

这是不容易为大多数人敞开心扉,感受脆弱,甚至与他们的合作伙伴。但是,当主爱或连接键是伙伴之间的强,它们更能够风化风暴一起的,根据波莱特谢尔曼,心理学博士,心理学家,和播客的主机The Love Psychologist。“就像感情上的方法聚焦疗法能教夫妻了解彼此的依恋风格和触发器,使他们能够更好地了解彼此,并看到他们的负面周期为敌人,而不是彼此,”她告诉新娘。“Then, they can be vulnerable with each other and connect in safety rather than attacking each other and destroying their bond.”

You learn how to set boundaries.

Chances are, you’re not used to spending every waking second with your partner, but that’s likely become your reality given the stay-at-home orders. It can be easy to feel on the defense with your partner, who might be getting on your last nerve at this point. Online couples therapy can help ease the tension by teaching you how to set boundaries and maintain a healthy balance of unity and separateness. “Boundaries can help couples avoid codependency and maintain respect for each other and the relationship,” says Coffman.



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