一旦你订婚,一大堆约会就开始在你的脑海中打转——单身礼、淋浴、婚礼——总是伴随着绝望的祈祷:请不要让我得到我的期那一天。但除此之外,婚姻压力还会影响经期吗?好消息是,在某种程度上,你可以改变大自然。“在我的生命中,我改变了许多新娘的周期,”耶鲁大学妇产科临床教授玛丽•简•明金笑着说。“我们当然可以操纵事情。当然,为了控制你的月经情况,你首先需要知道这一点。(No shame in being a grown woman who still gets a surprise attack of shark week!) Try an app like Period Tracker Lite or Life Period Tracker Calendar, which will notify you when you’re ovulating or when you shouldn’t leave home without tossing a few tampons in your purse.
一个更长期的突破周期的选择是激素宫内节育器。Future bride Mara, 27, says that since getting hers implanted almost two years ago, her periods have disappeared entirely: “I worry about so many things for my wedding, but getting my period in my white dress, or on my honeymoon when I’m always in a bathing suit, won’t be one of them.” And—after an excruciating 30 seconds during the five-minute insertion—she says, “I don’t remember it’s even up there.” She chose it because it’s set-it-and-forget-it for five years, at which point a medical pro will need to remove it.(Similarly, implants like Nexplanon are small, flexible rods inserted under the skin that last for three years and may also lighten or eliminate periods.) “I’m not ready to be pregnant,” Mara says of her Mirena IUD, “so it’s the perfect solution.”
If you are thinking you might want to go from no periods to #preggo at the drop of a hat (specifically, the sun hat you wear during your honeymoon), be aware you might need to give your body a minute (a.k.a. a few months) to adjust. Minkin says most women get back to regular fairly quickly after going off the Pill or an IUD: “Sometimes ladies get funky cycles for up to three months,” she says. “But it’s usually no more than that.” The notable exception is Depo Provera shots. Those hormones, Minkin says, “can hang out” in your system for up to eight months.
请记住,当你没有得到你的时期,你没有得到ldsports乐动体育 - 所以这总是好的。但是,如果你仍然得到两种,你可以采取一些步骤,以防止它们抽筋你良好的共鸣。Ross says that if you know you’re going to be exhausted, irritable, and crave all kinds of crappy snacks, be proactive with your diet (avoid processed foods) and exercise (endorphins combat period pain), and—this is key—maybe let your future spouse know to tread lightly. The final trick is distracting yourself, Minkin says.“关注别的东西,就像你将有你的婚礼当天的好时机,”她说。“黑巧克力也可能有帮助。”只是不要弄脏你的衣服。